Grateful for Water & Watersheds


Dear Friends of the Watershed,

As we embark on our third decade of service to the Wolf Creek Watershed, we are filled with gratitude for you, our kind and generous supporter. Thank you for being an essential part of the Wolf Creek Community Alliance! Your donated time and funds have helped us to achieve:

  • Water monitoring at 25 sites along Wolf Creek & its tributary streams to provide the scientific data that guides our work. 
  • Our Wolf Creek Watershed Restoration Plan outlines the steps needed to protect public health from the bacteria and heavy metals present in some parts of our watershed.
  • Our outdoor education programs help grow the next generation of water stewards, as kids fall in love with the creek and discover new ways to make a difference. 
  • We helped mobilize over 1,000 residents against re-opening the Idaho-Maryland Mine. We continue to work proactively to prevent a variety of harmful watershed impacts. 
  • Our Watershed Cleanup and Adopt-a-Highway events kept 25 truckloads of trash out of the creek & ocean this year! 
  • We increase wildfire resilience by removing invasive plants and ladder fuels in careful ways that protect wildlife habitat.
  • We are actively stewarding the beautiful, 58-acre Roy Peterson Wolf Creek Preserve, and maintain a Nisenan Garden beside Grass Valley’s popular Wolf Creek Trail

Will you help us do even more in 2024? To donate, return to our home page and use the Donate button there, or mail a check to Wolf Creek Community Alliance, PO Box 477, Grass Valley, CA 95945.


To volunteer, please email our Programs Director Kristen Hein Strohm at Thank you so much for your continued support of the Wolf Creek Watershed!

In gratitude,

Gary Griffith, President

Wolf Creek Community Alliance