Wolf Creek Community Alliance

Peabody Creek Restoration – 8:30 – 11:00 am

445 445 people viewed this event.

Join us for a restoration day at Peabody Creek, right in Grass Valley. This urban section of creek that feeds into Condon Park is a restoration project pursued in collaboration with the City of Grass Valley. Over the years, we have removed invasive plants and greatly increasing the abundance and diversity of native plants. We meet at the corner of Carpenter & Walsh Streets in downtown Grass Valley. Contact Kristen at wolfcreekwatershed@gmail.com if you are interested in helping us continue this ongoing restoration project. 


Carpenter Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945

To register for this event <strong>email your details to</strong> <a class="event_registration_email" href="mailto:wolfcreekwatershed@gmail.com?subject=Registration%20via%20%22Peabody%20Creek%20Restoration%20-%208%3A30%20-%2011%3A00%20am%22%20listing%20on%20https%3A%2F%2Fwolfcreekalliance.org">wolfcreekwatershed@gmail.com</a>

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Date And Time

2024-06-27 @ 08:30 AM to
2024-06-27 @ 11:00 AM

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